Friday, April 30, 2010

The joys of dealing with insurance

I have to say that I completely hate dealing with insurance agencies.
Our middle daughter has asthma issues and needs to have a nebulizer. With needing this having one that was portable was something that we felt was important. So we talked with insurance and a company that we could purchase one from. Got everything worked out and were able to get one. Well this has been over 6 weeks ago and we have been waiting to get the money that we paid out of pocket back from our health savings account and have made several phone calls. Well in finally getting ahold of people today we found out that they didn't bill it as a purchase, but as a rental instead. This makes it so that we are not getting the money back out of our savings account.
Well after many phone calls back and forth our insurance company has said that they were supposed to bill it as a purchase, the company says our insurance company is saying they it has to be a rental. So now we sit, in limbo waiting on phone calls. What a mess. And there are people saying we don't need Health Reform...UGH

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. With the health issues of both of our girls, dealing with their insurance issues is like a heavy part time job. We had a hard time being reimbursed for Ahnalin's nebulizer and I remember the stress. Right now I am battling the hospital for MRI bills. Lovely. Anyway, I pray it all gets worked out for you and that your sweetie gets better from the asthma.
