What a title huh, well its been a pretty special day for us around here. Last night the kids got the first taste of fresh out of our patch strawberries. But I didn't have my camera so we will have to talk about that more maybe tomorrow, or the next day since my oldest graduates from preschool tomorrow night. What a sad but fun day!
I had a special request to show photos of my kitchen. Its not huge, but I love it. It is set up so nicely, I have lots of counter space and its easy to get to everything when you are cooking.
Here is my catch all counter. I keep my computer (a netbook with wireless) over here along with the hubbys coffee pot. No food is on it normally unless we have company and then we completely clear it and use it for serving.

Looking from the main door into the house into the kitchen. There is the peninsula that separates the kitchen from the dining area. I love this for the kids to be involved in the cooking. We have plans to remove the cupboards from above to make it more open and add some lights and a breakfast bar to it in the next few years.

From the dining room back into the kitchen, like I said its not real big but set up so nicely. Its dated in the cupboards but I think it is fitting the lifestyle we live.

And not a great picture but this is from the catch all counter looking at my sink. There is a glass shelf that hubby added for me that I absolutely adore. It is the greatest place for putting a few plants and the glass birds from my grandmother seemed to be a wonderful addition as well.

In other news my kids got ahold of my camera again today and these were the two keepers that the took. I think that Nevaeh took this one of Carter

And here is a silly one that was taken of Nevaeh, she is all the time trying to get us to take pics of her with her tongue out lately.

And last thing of the day is a surprise with my daughter tonight, we went out to do chores and Araya came yelling over "mama this is really important" "ok Araya whats going on?" "Carter and me were over by the barn and there was a grey kitten coming out from under where Harvests Kittens are" "Really? Well lets go take a look" So we head back to the barn and sure enough there is a cute little grey and white kitten tailing behind a black mama cat we have that won't let us mess with her but keeps herself knows as well.
So I go to check on Harvests kittens since we were in there and there was a mysterious kitten in there. I pick it up and this is what we had

There are actually 3 kittens, 2 like this one and a grey and white one!