Araya is such a mini adult. She thinks she runs the show but still has a very hard time expressing herself when she is upset. She is so in love with anything that could possibly be translated to the teenage years. She is so smart and quite the thinker. There is always something going through her mind and she is always trying to figure out what comes next.
Nevaeh is my mini mommy that thinks she needs to take care of everyone. So loving and caring. Always one to include everyone, not wanting anyone to be left out, especially her. Her favorite things right now are baby dolls and Dora.
Carter well he is such a boy. Its so hard for me to believe that he is already a year and a half old. Very bossy and sassy, he thinks nothing of telling us no or in his words "uh uh" when he doesn't agree with something we are saying.
But over all they are very sweet loving children that want nothing more than to please the world. So innocent and special. The apple of their moms eye. I really can not imagine life with out children and am so blessed to have them each and every day. They never let it be boring.
OK so next time you're pulling you're hair out and going to scream, I'll send you back to read this lol