The baby chicks are now 3 weeks old and they eat like crazy. They are going through nearly 50 lbs of feed every day. It really is amazing to me how much they eat and drink.
Bessie our milk cow is giving us 4+ gallons of milk a day and we have been using and sharing as much as possible. The ice cream is absolutely wonderful and we are making and eating til our hearts are content.
The ducks love being out in the pasture with cows following them around.
Our beef cows will go to market in October and they look great as well. I love to watch how they grow and change.
We have lots of baby kittys right now as well. The kids dearly adore them and we try to play with them daily. We do have some that are still wild but one litter is very friendly.
Last night we had some stormy weather go through. This last one was absolutely wonderful to watch. It was sunny over most of our house and then this huge cloud was over part of it. My cousin lives 7 miles from us and they got a ton of rain out of it. We didn't get more than a few drops. Then after it was mostly past the clouds were almost daunting to look at from behind.
Then just a pretty picture of the sage that is growing in the flower bed. The kids love these flowers the best of all the flowers we have blooming right now!
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